The Nine-Word Body Protection Method

This practice is commonly employed in the Hun Yuan Pai school, which focuses on what is commonly known as Shen Wu (神武), or “spiritual martial arts.” This magical or spiritual martial concept is essentially an invocation used in moments of extreme necessity, seeking protection from danger or assistance in overcoming it.

From a Western perspective, this can be reinterpreted as a call for assistance or an invocation to saints and guardian angels. In Chinese tradition, it is an invocation to celestial warriors usually under the command of a Shen Jiang (神将) or “spiritual general.” To simplify the understanding of this concept, it can be likened to the idea of an archangel leading a host of angels, although the contexts are not entirely similar. The analogy, however, aids in making the concept more accessible to the Western mind.

The Nine-Word Body Protection Method is a literal translation of an invocation of Shen Bing (神兵) or “Spiritual Soldiers,” commonly used by both Buddhist and Taoist warriors in the face of considerable danger. Whether engaging in battle against a formidable enemy or crossing a forest at midnight, this invocation is intended to navigate both physical and spiritual perils. Believers understand that for the invocation to be effective, it must be performed traditionally.

The invocation itself goes as follows:


Lín bīng dǒu zhě jiē zhèn liè qián háng

“Celestial soldiers descend in combat formation before me.”

For each word, specific hand gestures (Shou Jue, 手决) are executed precisely to channel internal energy towards the hands and then flow towards the spiritual entities. It is believed that, on an energetic level, this ritual creates a barrier influencing the subconscious of opponents, hindering their effectiveness in attacks or dissuading them entirely from making contact with the adept. Individuals perceived as potential threats may instinctively sense the effects of these influences, triggering subconscious fears or inhibitions and resulting in reduced combat capacity.