Free Classes and Paid Classes at Hun Yuan Pai School.

Unlock your potential with the Hun Yuan Pai School!

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and well-being with our unique approach at the Hun Yuan Pai School. Our commitment to your growth goes beyond conventional practices, offering both Free Classes and Paid Classes to suit your preferences.

Free Classes for Everyone!

Experience the excellence of the Hun Yuan Pai School with a 30-day period of FREE classes for all the activities we offer. No commitments! Immerse yourself in various classes and activities without restrictions, exploring the diverse disciplines that our school has to offer. Your journey begins the day you enroll, and the possibilities are endless during these first 30 days.

Affordable Excellence!

After your 30-day courtesy period, continue your enriching journey with us for just $10 per class. At Hun Yuan Pai, we believe in flexibility, no monthly payments in advance, no contracts. Pay as you go and explore different programs until you find the right one for you. Want even more savings? Check out our discounted class packages for added value. Private classes are also available for those seeking a personalized touch.

Adapt and Explore!

Integrate into our community with an adaptation period before committing as a disciple. Try out various training programs until you discover the right one for you. All students must sign a Registration Waiver before their first class, ensuring a smooth and safe experience.

Stay active safely!

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have introduced regular outdoor classes for your safety. Whether indoors or outdoors, our commitment to your well-being remains unwavering.

Hassle-free Registration!

Joining our 30-day free classes is simple. Visit our website, provide your details (name, age, gender, preferred class schedules, phone number, and level of experience), and join a dedicated WhatsApp group. Stay informed about class updates and connect with like-minded practitioners.

Ready to embark on your journey of self-discovery? Join the Hun Yuan Pai School today! Your path to holistic well-being and excellence awaits.

Join Us Today

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